Art of Kata Workshop Photos…

The Art of Kata Workshop was a huge success with students all benefiting from the ‘weekend course’ style tuition. For a full write-up of this exciting event check out the “Spotlight” post.

Art of Kata Workshop May 26th.

Well next Saturday the 26th see’s the first ‘Wisewarrior art of kata’ workshop for our students at the Cheltenham Piliates and Yoga centre.

This is going to be a must if you hope to grade on the 10th of June or just want to understand your Kata’s better and how to perform them at a higher level.

It doesn’t matter which style you are studying, even sword or Weapon Kata’s may be covered during this session. We will be using music and many other techniques  to help improve and motivate your performances.

Katas are the backbone of almost any syllabus, giving the student the opportunity to express themseles through the medium of combative movements. They are a chance for the individual to demonstrate their understanding of focus and presence.

When we have run these types of sessions in the past we often find that students tend to make quite marked step changes in their performances. There are many more qualities to a kata than just ‘trying harder’ or ‘moving quicker’ and adding ‘more spirit’ does not necessarily mean just more power!

So try to come along, it starts at 2pm and finishes at 4pm and is of course FREE! Let us know by text, FB, email or just give us a call to confirm your place.